Newfoundland & Labrador Occupational Therapy Board

Quality Practice



Continuing Competency Requirements:

1. Declaration of Currency (Mandatory)

Currency hours are reported at initial registration and annual license renewal. Currency hours are defined as paid hours of service within the scope of practice of the profession and are calculated in the timeframe immediately prior to the date of application/renewal. NLOTB requires 600 hours of occupational therapy practice in the 36 months prior to registration.

 Refer to NLOTB Currency Requirements Policy for further information.  NLOTB Currency Policy.pdf

 2. New: Completion of Self-Assessment (SA) and Professional Development Plan (PDP): (Mandatory 2025 Renewal)

The purpose of this section is to provide registrants with the structure and tools to assess their current practice and identify areas of practice that need improvement. The section also assists registrants in designing their professional development plans to ensure they continue to maintain their knowledge and skills to meet the established competencies for occupational therapists. 

Registrants are expected to complete the Self-Assessment and develop 2-3 Learning Goals. Learning goals are to be documented on the Professional Development Plan and both the Self-Assessment and Professional Development Plan uploaded their online profile. These documents are a mandatory requirement for 2025 RENEWAL.

Registrants are encouraged to keep any client or peer feedback and any additional documentation that supports their professional development and learning activities.

A Professional Development Learning Log will be available later in 2025. This tool will allow registrants to track your progress towards the goals established in 2025 and will be reported at Renewal in 2026.

 Self-Assessment NLOTB Self-Assessment Tool.pdf

Professional Development Plan NLOTB Professional Development Plan.pdf


3. NLOTB Continuing Competency Portfolio (Optional)

NLOTB will no longer require you to maintain the Continuing Competency Portfolio. Please continue to retain relevant professional documentation in your preferred format.  

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